In 2016, Disney animation studios released their newest princess film Moana. The film follows a seemingly feminist plot line of a young female heroine who saves the world from destruction. This study examines Moana (2016) in relation to the views on feminism in the U.S. Disney’s large social and economic influence provides rich grounds for this research. Using an ideological rhetorical criticism, I uncovered the presented and suggested elements of the film. These elements combined with research on U.S. feminist ideology allowed three ideological themes to emerge: ecofeminism, power feminism, and post-feminism. The three themes are threaded to create a seemingly feminist patchwork ideology. I argue that the patchwork ideology that is created...
The Brothers Grimm and the Walt Disney Company have produced popular fairy tales for large audiences...
In 2016, Disney launched an advertisement campaign called “Dream Big, Princess.” This self-claimed “...
Film is a relatively young art form and industry compared to others, such as music and dance. Its or...
[eng] This paper examines the transgressive representation of femininity in Disney’s film Moana. Dra...
This study is aimed to analyze Moana Disney movie in term of analytical of residual patriarchal ideo...
This project argues that not all Disney heroines are feminists because not all of them discuss issue...
This article attempts to look into the fictional narrativization of women’s significant and distinct...
Brave, Frozen, Moana. These are three of the new Disney princess films, which feature strong indepen...
Society has a large impact on media, whether it be fashion, activities, or even portrayal of fiction...
Disney’s Moana (2016) portrays a village leader’s daughter who leaves her home island and sails acro...
The Walt Disney Corporation has provided family-centered entertainment, for decades, in the form of ...
Disney movieshave influenced many children for over eighty years. However, there is an ongoing contr...
Abstract This study was conducted to understand how our views of women are shaped by Disney films. S...
In this thesis, I analyze three eras of princesses in Disney animated films in terms of how gender a...
abstract: With each new Disney princess being hailed as finally representing a strong, positive fema...
The Brothers Grimm and the Walt Disney Company have produced popular fairy tales for large audiences...
In 2016, Disney launched an advertisement campaign called “Dream Big, Princess.” This self-claimed “...
Film is a relatively young art form and industry compared to others, such as music and dance. Its or...
[eng] This paper examines the transgressive representation of femininity in Disney’s film Moana. Dra...
This study is aimed to analyze Moana Disney movie in term of analytical of residual patriarchal ideo...
This project argues that not all Disney heroines are feminists because not all of them discuss issue...
This article attempts to look into the fictional narrativization of women’s significant and distinct...
Brave, Frozen, Moana. These are three of the new Disney princess films, which feature strong indepen...
Society has a large impact on media, whether it be fashion, activities, or even portrayal of fiction...
Disney’s Moana (2016) portrays a village leader’s daughter who leaves her home island and sails acro...
The Walt Disney Corporation has provided family-centered entertainment, for decades, in the form of ...
Disney movieshave influenced many children for over eighty years. However, there is an ongoing contr...
Abstract This study was conducted to understand how our views of women are shaped by Disney films. S...
In this thesis, I analyze three eras of princesses in Disney animated films in terms of how gender a...
abstract: With each new Disney princess being hailed as finally representing a strong, positive fema...
The Brothers Grimm and the Walt Disney Company have produced popular fairy tales for large audiences...
In 2016, Disney launched an advertisement campaign called “Dream Big, Princess.” This self-claimed “...
Film is a relatively young art form and industry compared to others, such as music and dance. Its or...